Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Krazy Mike's Shrimp N Wings - Little Rock, AR

Well someone needs to get better at actual blogging. Sorry it's been a month. I've come to find out when you have a pregnant wife, work, dj business, and Hog football every weekend there is not alot of time. :)
I'm going to do better I promise.

So........... Krazy Mike's in the Rock. I visited this establishment back in early September when the Hogs were playing down there. I went with Robyn, my mom, and Rich my step dad. Had seen a story in the Arkansas Times about it and on KATV.com. It had gotten fantastic review.

Come with a empty stomach because they give you a TON of food. Not even kidding. It was little too much for a lunch.

The Tenders:

 First I was taken back by the price. $11.50 for the meal. But you got 5 large tenders and a enormous amount of fries. Plus coleslaw, garlic bread, and hushpuppies. So it was worth the $11.50.
Tenders were hand battered. Not heavy but lightly battered. They had a nice dusting of seasoning and spice.

7 out of 10 clucks

French Fries:

I hit the mother load on the fries.  Probably 150 fires. I'm not joking. They were just about perfect. Fresh cut fries(my favorite) cooked to almost perfection. Not too crispy and not too jellowy. There's a new word jellowy. You know what I'm talking about. Sometimes you get those fries that look like they are cooked on the outside but when you bite in to it they are undercooked. JELLOWY. These were heaven.

9 fries out of 10 (I can't give a ten yet can I?) Too early. :)

Krazy Mike's Shirmp N Wings is on Bowman Curve in Little Rock. No website that I can find.

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